For all your Bath Pest Control needs call the experts today!
The Historic Georgian City of Bath is a much sought after place to live, However it is not without it’s fair share of pest and vermin species. For your Bath Pest Control needs call Town & Country Environmental Pest Solutions for the removal of:
With old fashioned Georgian Sewers, and Cellars and pressures of modern fast food and refuse collection, Bath, like may cities has a fair share of Rats and Mice. If you find Rats or Mice in your home, don’t delay, call Town & Country Environmental Pest Solutions for Bath pest control.
As Summer approaches Wasps and Bees can become a problem. For Wasp and Bee removal and all your Bath pest control needs, call us today.
Carpets becoming mysteriously threadbare? Feedback from letting agents is that Carpet Moths and Carpet Beetles are a big problem in Bath. These insects feed on natural and sometimes synthetic materials, like rugs carpets. These can easily be treated to save your soft furnishings.
Bath is famous for it Georgian architecture, but, like many cities suffers from Pigeon and Gull
problems. The roofs and ledges of Baths famous buildings create ideal habitat for city dwelling birds. Are Pigeons or Gull causing a nuisance or fouling your building or property? We are able to offer a range bird proofing and scaring options including using birds of prey to disperse Pigeons
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