Rabbits damaging lawns, sports ground or farmland? Contact us to discuss rabbit control Wiltshire, Bath, Somerset. Organic options such as traditional ferreting, trapping and proofing available.

Rabbit control wiltshireRabbits are one of natures true survivors. Thought to have been bought to Britain by either the Romans or Normans, where they were kept in walled warrens and farmed for meat and fur. The Rabbits soon escaped and went underground, quite literally.

Rabbits now present a significant problem causing damage to some native habitats, agricultural land, crops, gardens, sport fields and sapling trees. The UK rabbit population is estimated at over 45million, rising around 2% every year. These Rabbits cause around £150 million of damage every year. This does not include the cost of controlling or repairing their damage.

We are able to offer a range of methods for Rabbit Control Wiltshire.  As well as chemical management we are experts at a range of traditional organic methods such as Ferreting, trapping, netting and shooting. These methods are highly suitable where chemicals could pose safety issues around buildings, footpath or on organic or sensitive sites.

Call for a free site visit or to discuss your Rabbit management needs. Keep up to date with our Rabbit control Wiltshire by visiting us on Facebook or Twitter.