‘No mole, no fee’ basis.

Moles trapped using traditional methods.

Our Molecatcher is affiliated to the ‘British Guild of Molecatchers’ and has achieved the highest ‘Master Molecatcher’ level

  • master molecatcherGardens
  • Golf Courses and sports fields
  • Race horse gallops
  • Agricultural land
  • No chemicals used to control moles
  • Only the most humane traps used as recommended by ‘British Guild of Molecatchers’
  • daily trap inspectionscropped-guild-logo3.gif

MolecatcherMole habits may come into conflict people. Mole hills can look unsightly in gardens and cause damage to lawns and flower beds. In agriculture, mole hills can introduce soil borne diseases and bacteria into silage when the grass is cut. These bacteria multiply in the ideal conditions created by the silage making process. This can cause sickness in livestock feeding on the silage. On sports fields Mole hills can prevent play and cause a hazard to players. 

As a member of the British Guild of Molecatchers we are committed to daily trap checks. We provide a first class service and ensure that moles are trapped and dispatched as humanely as possible. Our Molecatcher has achieved the coveted title of ‘Master Molecatcher’.

Over the last few months we have been very busy controlling moles using traditional trapping. No job is too big or small. We have worked on private gardens, camp sites, trading estates, farms, lawns, flowerbeds. Normally have are successful in trapping moles overnight. Often we are called in when other less conventional methods have failed. These include windmills, sonic repellents and burning of egg boxes to create smoke. To find out what we’ve been up to, visit us on Facebook

In years gone by each parish would have employed a molecatcher. Often this position was passed from father to son, along with the closely guarded methods of the trade. A well placed trap by a skilled Molecacther is still the most effective way to control Moles.